Monday, August 14, 2006

phobia movie

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This is definately a movie that I can't watch. Those who know me well knows that I have a huge phobia of snakes. I just can't stand them, I can't even look at a book with snakes on it. As you can see, I purposely chose a picture that doesn't have a sigle shot of a snake, just a poser picture of Samuel L. Jackson.

I can't understand why would anybody want to make a movie like that. I read on the web that at least 20% of the US population has a fear of snakes. Let's imagine, all the countries that's going to show this movie has a 20% statistic of people fearing snakes. Let's just take Malaysia, we have 23 million people so that means you already take away 4.6 million people who won't watch this movie and I am sure to be in the 4.6 million. I wonder did the movie producers do their business planning properly? I mean did they take into account the millions of people who already won't walk into the cineplex to watch this snake driven movie. I mean, you should just stop at Ananconda. One snake is okay... but a whole crate of snakes?? What were the producers thinking man???

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