Sunday, October 22, 2006

a career change?

Recently, I've been wondering if I am in the right line? Am I finding a correct career in the field of Information Security. I remember, when I first graduated; believe it or not my first job offer was to be a rocker. Well almost literally a rocker, I was offered to bass for a pub band. The money wasn't too bad, it was a 3-4 month contract thing and they wanted to pay me RM2000 a month. I thought not bad for a 3-4 month thing before heading right out to the work force. But having Asian parents, off course there was a lot of objection, and me being the good son that I am decided to keep the peace in the house and went straight into a bank and worked. But now, I've been thinking of a career change, something really outside of what I am doing, so I thought what could I be. I've been watching The Next American Super model lately and I thought what it would be like if I changed path and pursued a career in the modeling world. So, I took a glimpse into how I might look as a model. Here's a picture from an ad which I modeled for Giordano.

Looking at it, according to Wing Sun, a girl who heavily criticise my looks all the time, she said I actually looked hot. So maybe there is a hope in the modeling industry for me.

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