Monday, February 14, 2005

the land down under

I'm finally here in the land down under. Settling in well, thanks to my 2 dearest housemates Heng Ian and Jon for settling me in so well and for spoiling me to the max. I still have not set foot on an Adelaide public transport yet because between this 2 guys, they ferry me every where, to church, to dinner, to lunch, to check my email (because our house still haven't got an internet access) and best of all to class today because Jon decided to check PCOM out today.

I want to thank all those that came to see me off, thanks for taking time to say goodbye. I know there were hundreds of you in the airport and I think I didn't quite going round to say a proper good bye, it's not that I didn't want to but because Unc Mike was rushing me down to immigration partly because Gracie went down so early. So yeah.. thanks so much guys. Missing you all so much already.

Flight to Adelaide was quite pleasant, Gracie didn't cry all that much and I think at this moment I'm feeling more homesick than her. Only set back was the long 2 hours wait at the immigration and the custom. You see, there's only 1 line to line up for everything. I thought I could use the "nothing to declare" lane, but no... In Adelaide Internation Airport, you have to declare your guitar because it's wood... WHAT??!!! But it's treated and polised wood??!! Another stupid thing was, there was no sniffer dogs this time round (probably too stuffed with mandarin oranges), they replaced them with old ladies who ask you thousand and one questions.

Anyway, Adelaide is nice laid back place. I thought Brisbane had a laid back lifestyle, here's even more laid back, there's hardly anybody on the roads in the city. Btw, Hindly Street is rocking man!!

Had my first taste of Paradise Church at last. I didn't quite paid attention to the message because I was still suffering from jetlag. Spent most of the time trying to stay awake. I'll usually need about 12 hours sleep once I touch down and I'll be fine, but Ian refused to let me sleep and insist that I had to go for an internation student's lunch on the day of touchdown. Like I said, my 2 houseys are settling me in very well. Checked out the PCC West church too. It's cool to visit a small church, haven't been to one in a long while.

Talking about student life, I'm still finding it a bit weird to say that I'm a student again, what more doing 1st year. The immigration dude asked my if I was doing first year and it took me like 10 seconds to answer him because in my mind, I've gratuated.

First day of class today, excited about it as well as anxious because I don't know what to expect. The college office is close and all so as far as PCOM is concerned, I've not enroled in yet.

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