Tuesday, April 24, 2007

look a like??

This is Adrian Pang. A very famous celebrity actor in Singapore. Most of us Malaysian will only know who Gurmit Singh is because of Phua Chu Kang, but believe me Adrian Pang is way up there with him. He is famed for shows like Maggie and me, Parental Guidance; blockbuster drams like Portrait of Home and he has been nominated many times for film awards of all sorts. I am not writing this post to exclaim that he is my favorite Singaporean actor or what, but rather someone once mentioned that I look like a younger version him.

Women here say Adrian is a good looking bloke, so does this mean I am as good looking as him? Does this mean 13 years down the line, I still look suave?Well I leave it to the 20 odd readers who visit my blog daily to decide. Am I as good looking or even better looking than Adrian Pang? Maybe I even have qualities to be a famous actor too here in Singapore and act along side Fiona Xie??? Now wouldn't that be a dream come true..... and that's just the key word, a DREAM. Well, at least for now I can take heart for myself that I do have a bit of actor looks and hopefully in 13 years time still look as suave.

Talking about good looking. I know there are some days when one will wake up feeling ugly and don't want to get out of bed. I have the perfect solution to that. Everytime I wake up feeling ugly. I turn the computer on and google up my own name and look at the image tab of the results. I guarantee you once you look at the results of people with the same name as you, you will thank God for the way you look. In my case, when I googled up my name, this is what i found.

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