Wednesday, June 13, 2007

a car review

Remember about a month ago I wrote about this?

Well, I came back from work today to find it all assembled up.

These days, baby walkers are made so colorful and installed with nice little extras to it. Heck!! It even has sport rims to it. It may not be your OZ 17" rims, but it's still rims. I remember when I was a baby, baby walkers just look like this

These days, there's "zhng my baby walker" and they are now even installed with a steering wheel with horn attached to it. To top it of, there's these little triangle and square shapes things that makes all sorts of weird noises that I can't even tell what they are. It is really "zhng my baby walker" kow kow.

On why my landlord left the kuku-car at my place instead taking it back for her daughter to play and walk around with it, I really don't know. Obviously, me being so impressed with the kuku-car, I had to take it on a spin

And boy, was it literally a spin, just a spin A-Round. Obviously, the kuku-car didn't quite fit me so *sigh*, I couldn't take the kuku-mobil out to Clark Quay and ask the chicks there if they "want a ride?"

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