Monday, April 2, 2007

Rated PG?? But why??

Wow!! It's been almost a month now since my last post. Really, it's not because I was lazy or couldn't get my fingers to type "" or had no time but merely I just didn't have anything interesting to write. I don't think anyone wants to read things like what time I woke up and how many pieces of poop I pooped into the toilet bowl or that I went to the plastic surgeon and had botox pumped into my batox for stretchier smoother skin. Readers of blogs these days demands interesting articles, events to read and not about someone loosing his/her golden retriever in the Sahara dessert or that banana split makes a wonderful desert.

With all that ranting above, I still don't have anything interesting to blog about either than I finally did what I've been wanting to do in Singapore for a long long time.

Well, I won't tell you about my visit to the zoo just yet because I can't think of anything interesting thing to write about in the zoo either than I caught some mating actions

That too seems like something all so common in the animal kingdom. So, I'll talk about the zoo when I can figure out why tigers like to show PDA (Public Display of Affections)

I didn't mean to rant so much when I started, so anyhow back to what I wanted to blog about. I was out shopping yesterday in Singapore. One of my rare weekends in Singapore so I thought I'd make the most out of my day. I went into Trumpet Praise (Singapore's Salvation, Canaan Land, Glad Sound.. you get the idea) to check out their new arrivals of CDs. As I was looking through the CDs. I bumped into this

Yes, I know it is a Paradise Live CD, but look closer at the bottom left corner. There's a sticker there that says "PG" which stands for Parental Guidance and it's endorsed by the Singapore Censorship Board. I check the other CDs around, non of them had this sticker except for the Paradise Live album.

Now, I wondered why on earth would a Paradise Live album be rated PG? Did the censorship board find offense with Ollie Sebastian's voice? Or did they find out that there's a Malaysian Singer from OUG singing in an Australian album which could be no no in Singapore law that all people appearing in an album must be a nationalist to the origin country? Or did they accidently misread "Guy Sebastian" as "Gay Sebastian"?

Why on earth would the censorship board want to rate an innocent Christian album as "Parental Guidance Required"?? Why?? Why?? Why??? I wonder if I buy the CD, will there be tracks with words missing because of the censorship?

Gee.. I did it again... something short and sweet I wanted to blog about came out to so many words. Guess I can be quite long winded too.

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