Thursday, May 10, 2007


As many of you would know that I stay in a store house. The owner used to store books and books in the unit because he was a book distributor. Right now, he just uses the house to store all his junk.

Anyway, as I was entering my room today, this caught my attention.

I was like; did I see it, read it correctly, did I just read "KUKU-Car"?? So I took a closer look.

Nope, my eyes didn't play tricks on me. I did read "KUKU-Car".

I really wonder who will name a baby walker a "kuku-car". The names people come out with for stuff now a days are really really weird. And did you notice what was the brand of the "KUKU-Car"? It's "MAMA Love", so here we have a "MAMA-Love KUKU-Car" with the tag line "teaching our young ones to walk". I can so imagine a dad saying this to his kid:

Dad: come baby!! come play with your "KUKU", walk it round and round the house...

Baby: ang goo goo!!!

Dad: come let me help you into your "KUKU"....

Next when the kid can talk gibberish...

Baby: Duhdy, duhdy... can i peh-lay with my "kheoo kheoo" peh-leese?

Dad: Yes son, go play with your "KUKU"

Dengs!!! kids of the next generation will never turn out the same again........ thanks to the "MAMA-LoveKuku-Car"

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